Want to reduce your monthly payment by 30-40%? Learn how to take advantage of interest only loans in this video! Discover how you can pay only the interest portion of your loan and free up cash to reinvest and maximize your returns. Don't wait, start taking control of your finances today!
Read MoreTired of throwing money away on rent? Want to own your dream home? In this video, I'll show you how to take control of your finances and stop paying someone else's mortgage! Learn the key strategies for investing in real estate and leveraging your cash to maximize your returns. Don't wait, get into the game and start building your own wealth today!
The active listing inventory decreased by 96 homes, down 3%, and now sits at 3,581, its lowest level since June. It was the largest two-week drop since the start of September. With the Holiday Market fast approaching, expect active inventory to sharply drop over the remaining seven weeks of the year.
Are you tired of the daily grind and ready to focus on your bucket list? In this video, I'll share my thoughts on home owning and how you can change your mindset to find the perfect fit for your lifestyle. Learn how to become "work optional" and live out your best life by finding the right home for you! Tune in to discover the secrets to home ownership and achieve financial freedom.
Read MoreHome prices are falling faster now than in 2006.”
This is a popular headline that has hit the news outlets recently, and it is causing even more panic for potential homebuyers.
We all know the media always enjoys any bit of bad news that will get more clicks and views, but more often than not they fail to dig into the data to get the real story.
Read MoreTake your investment game to the next level with a solid, stable and low-risk home purchase. Watch this video for the insider tips on what to look for and what to avoid when buying one of the biggest investments of your life. Don't make a costly mistake, level up with a core asset today!
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